Thursday, October 29, 2015

Autumn Leaves, 28 October 2015

     Leaves littering the slate walk, their comrades loitering about the branches above.  A morning view of golden yellow leaves, like a Chinese silken robe against a pale, blue sky. Tones of olive and yellow green; a tinge of burnt orange across the rolling landscape. Distant puffs of clouds tinted morning orange. (It's good to be alive to see this.) A fiery red autumnal bush going out in a blaze of glory. The sentinel whole moon keeping its vigil 'til morning is safely settled in.
     Times are changing, it is true, but there is glory to be seen if we keep our eyes wide open and stop longing for the green. In the grand chorus of nature, hope and beauty can always be found if you strive to look up and out and not just to the ground. 
     A field draped in a misty robe. A line of geese gliding low across the sky. I long to be where time moves more slowly; perhaps even where it is forgotten altogether. Just let me sit and gaze upon the beauty, or walk among the trees with my loved ones sitting by, and think upon the LORD who made it all; and with a grateful heart, take my rest in His praise and bask in His deep, deep love.
....sounds like heaven.

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