Wednesday, May 13, 2015

     When the children were little, I needed a concrete, tangible, hang-able, easily remind-able set of rules to help me govern well while my husband was absent from home during the day. I present to you the list.

     You see it in its finished state. It began with the first four, written out in quick, frustrated succession one exasperating afternoon. From then, rules were added as stumbled upon. (I can still see the individual child's face and remember the inspirational transgression that lead to the recording of most of these. The sweet little dears...) If you read carefully, you can sense the growing children and their growing struggles.

The Rules of the Household

1. You must obey Mommy and Daddy. Obey immediately and happily.
2. "No," means "No!" Do not ask twice.
3. "Stop," means "Stop!" Whatever you are doing---Stop!
4. No hitting. No biting. No pushing.
5. No teasing. If it is not fun for one, then it is not fun at all.
6. You must be kind. No being mean to each other, even during pretend play. What you practice is what you will become good at.
7. Share everything.
8. In church: No running! No yelling!
9. Never ever say, "No," to Mommy and Daddy.
10. No lying.
11. Always say, "Please" and "Thank you."
12. Grumpy people go to bed.
13. Speak when spoken to. You mustn't be rude to adults who speak to you when Daddy and Mommy are near.
14. Eat all food that is put in front of you.
15. Say, "Excuse me," if you must interrupt.
16. No grumbling permitted!
17. No whining tolerated!
18. No mumbling accepted!
19. Look for the good in things and in people, not the bad.
20. Never ask, "Why?" when given a command.
21. Tongues stay in your mouth.
22. If you don't say please, you won't get what you wanted.
23. Keep your toys neat or you won't keep your toys. Remember: "A place for everything, and everything in its place."
24. Finish what you start.
25. When you come upon a door that is closed, knock before entering.
26. Delayed obedience is disobedience.
27. Be happy with what you are given.
28. Look with love in your eyes as you speak to one another. ("Smiling eyes")
29. Don't expect things to always be fair. Life is not fair.
30. Just because it's in front of you, doesn't mean it's for you.
31. Guard the gates to your soul: the ears and the eyes.
32. Act, don't react.
33. Do what is right because it is right, not because you will be recognized for it.
34. Learn to loathe your sin.

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